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Is Arthritis the Primary Cause of My Back Pain?

Back pain can happen to everyone, regardless of age, health conditions and athletic activity. Although arthritis can certainly cause or contribute to back pain, so can car accidents, sports injuries and other incidents. The only way to find out the true source of your back pain is to consult a medical professional. Depending on your condition, there may be a number of therapies available, including PRP treatment in Naples, FL.


Arthritis can affect the back when you go through muscle inflammation or cartilage breakdown. Usually, the lower back is affected, but arthritis can attack any part of the spine. The stiffness, swelling and pain associated with arthritis often affect the bones, joints and muscles. This can be an excruciating and degenerative condition.


Osteoarthritis is also known as lumbar disc degeneration, which commonly causes lower back and leg pain. Chronic lower back pain is usually the first indication that you have this degenerative disease. The back pain may come and go, but it will often present after long periods of sitting, standing or physical activity. The older you get, the more often the episodes will happen—they may also last longer and involve more intense pain. This can make it very difficult to live with osteoarthritis, and many people aren’t good candidates for surgery. This is why many older patients look for alternative treatments to improve their quality of life.


Since arthritis is so painful, many patients find it difficult to engage in everyday activities like move, walk and even sleep. One of the most effective treatments for arthritis is PRP therapy, or platelet-rich plasma therapy. This treatment uses your blood’s natural healing mechanisms to help reduce pain and heal problem areas. The patient’s blood is drawn and concentrated via centrifuge so it’s as rich in platelets as possible.

Then the plasma is injected directly into or around the joints and muscles, which should decrease cartilage damage, improve joint function and reduce the pain that comes with osteoarthritis. Since the plasma comes directly from your own body, there’s no risk of complications or rejection. As long as you’re working with a skilled and licensed professional, this is a safe and relatively easy way to address your symptoms. The injections are minimally invasive, and most patients report very little, if any pain.

PRP therapy can vary in effectiveness, but most patients report a reduction in symptoms and an improvement in their overall quality of life. Other treatments, like VAX-D spinal decompression, may be used instead of or in addition to PRP therapy.

If you’re interested in exploring PRP treatment in Naples, FL, reach out to the experts at Hiler Chiropractic & Neurology/ Feel Amazing Institute today. Our experienced team will be happy to discuss the process, side effects and cost of treatment with you so you can make the right decision for your needs. Let us help you find a safe solution to your back pain when you call today to schedule your appointment!

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